
Installation of Epeios software

NOTA: you will find a link to a GitHub repository at the bottom of the page dedicated to a given software.

Retrieving the executable

GNU/Linux and other POSIX compliant OSes (FreeBSD, macOS…)

For GNU/Linux, or other POSIX-compliant OSes, including FreeBSD and macOS, to compile the executable, you have to launch the make or gmake command (the GNU make command and the proper development environment have to be installed) from the root directory of the package (where there is a Makefile).

You can override the default compiler by defining the CXX environment variable or by passing a CXX argument to the make command. The two recognized compilers are GNU GCC (CXX=g++) and Clang (CXX=clang++).

Apart from the common IA-32 and AMD64 architectures, you can also compile for both AArch32 and AArch64 ARM architectures. This means that you can compile for and on devices like the Raspberry Pi (or Banana Pi, or ODROID...) natively in 32-bit or even 64-bit, if the installed GNU/Linux distribution is also 64-bit.

Under macOS, the needed packages can be retrieved using Xcode, or a package manager like Homebrew, MacPorts


In the releases section of the GitHub repository, you should find an archive containing the Windows executables, and some other files needed by the software (usually at least the.xlcl and .xcfg suffixed files).

If you want to compile it, you will find a .vcxproj suffixed file, which can be used to compile the software using Visual C++ from Microsoft.

Additionally, under Windows with Cygwin, given you have the proper development environment, you can compile it by launching make from the root directory of the package (where there should be a Makefile). This will give you an executable which uses the Cygwin POSIX API. If you want an application which directly uses the Windows API, you can use the MinGW compiler under Cygwin. You then have to launch make target=win.

Using the software

To use an Epeios software, you have to retrieve or to compile the corresponding executables, as described above.

Some of the Epeios executables are libraries (they have a .dll, .dylib, .so… extension), which can not be launched directly, but have to be loaded by another Epeios executable. How to do this will be described on they dedicated page.

Other Epeios executable (with no or .exe extension) can be launched directly.

Both types of executables needs to have corresponding configuration file (the one with the .xcfg extension) and locale file (the one with the .xlcl extension) in the same directory.