XPPq, the XML preprocessor

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XPPq is a command-line tool which transforms an XML file to another XML file, following directives inserted directly in the source XML file. This directives allow to handle macros, to affect value to variables and to test their values, to include files… In a glance, XPPq aims to be to XML what CPP is to C/C++.

To achieve this, following directives are available:

  • <xpp:expand href=“file”/> which allows the inclusion of a file,
  • <xpp:define name=“name”>…</xpp:define>, which, in combination with <xpp:expand select=“name”/> allows the definition and expansion of a macro,
  • <xpp:set name=“name” value=“value”/>, which, in combination with <xpp:ifeq select=“name” value=“value”>…</xpp:ifeq> allows the conditional inclusion of an XML tree,

More about this directives and the others can be found in the directives dedicated section.

The preprocessor is also embedded in all the Epeios software which deals with XML files. So the xpp directives can also be used in those files.

The XML namespace is: http://epeios.q37.info/ns/xpp (xmlns:xpp=“http://epeios.q37.info/ns/xpp”).

XPPq handles 8-bits encoded files, and also UTF-8 encoded files, with or without BOM. All included files (using the expand directive) have to use the same encoding as the file which includes them.

XPPq is available as:


File Common.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xpp:bloc xmlns:xpp="http://epeios.q37.info/ns/xpp">
  <xpp:define name="LinuxURL">
  <xpp:define name="WindowsURL">
  <xpp:define name="Linux">
      <xpp:define name="Directory">
      <xpp:define name="RootURL">
        <xpp:expand select="LinuxURL"/>
  <xpp:define name="Windows">
      <xpp:define name="Directory">
      <xpp:define name="RootURL">
        <xpp:expand select="WindowsURL"/>
  <xpp:define name="File">
      <xpp:expand select="Directory"/>
      <xpp:expand select="FileName"/>
  <xpp:ifeq select="OS" value="Linux">
    <xpp:expand select="Linux"/>
  <xpp:ifeq select="OS" value="Windows">
    <xpp:expand select="Windows"/>
    <xpp:define name="FileName">
    <xpp:expand select="File"/>
    <xpp:define name="FileName">
    <xpp:expand select="File"/>
    <xpp:expand select="RootURL"/>

File Linux.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration xmlns:xpp="http://epeios.q37.info/ns/xpp">
  <xpp:set name="OS" value="Linux"/>
  <xpp:expand href="common.xml"/>

File Windows.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration xmlns:xpp="http://epeios.q37.info/ns/xpp">
  <xpp:set name="OS" value="Windows"/>
  <xpp:expand href="common.xml"/>

xppq Linux.xml outputs following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

xppq Windows.xml outputs following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

The directives

xpp is used as the namespace by default, but you can change it (see xppq --help).


  • <xpp:define name="NAME">...</xpp:define>: definition of a macro named NAME.
  • <xpp:expand select="NAME">...</xpp:expand>: expansion of the macro named NAME.
  • <UserTag xpp:attribute="ATTRIBUTE_NAME,MACRO_NAME">...</UserTag>: expansion of the macro named MACRO_NAME as value of an attribute named ATTRIBUTE_NAME.
  • <xpp:expand href="FILENAME"/>: inclusion of the content of the file named FILENAME.
  • <xpp:set name="NAME" value="VALUE"/>: set the variable named NAME to the value VALUE.
  • <xpp:ifeq select="NAME" value="VALUE">...</xpp:ifeq>: the content of this directive is skipped unless variable named NAME has VALUE as value.
  • <xpp:cdata>...</xpp:cdata>: the content of this directive is put in a CDATA section.
  • <xpp:bloc>...</xpp:bloc>: without attribute, this directive has no effect by itself, but is required under some circumstances by above directives.

The define directive


This directive allows to define a macro. The body of a macro must contain one and only one root tag (use bloc directive if needed) ; it can not be empty (nor <xpp:define name="…"></xpp:define> nor <xpp:define name="…"/>). The body of a macro, when enclosed in a bloc directive, can contain several child tags.

The content of a macro is expanded using the expand directive with select attribute.


<xpp:define name="NAME">

Defines a macro named NAME with content Body.

<xpp:expand select="NAME"/>

Expands the content of the macro named NAME (the entire directive is replaced by Body as defined above).

The expand directive (with select attribute)


The expand directive with select attribute allows to expand a macro previously defined by a define directive.


<xpp:define name="NAME">

Defines a macro named NAME with content Body.

<xpp:expand select="NAME"/>

Expands the content of the macro named NAME (the entire directive is remplaced by Body as defined above).

The expand directive (with href attribute)


The expand directive with href attribute allows to include a file. The included file must contain one and only one root tag (use bloc directive if needed). If the file location is relative, the base directory is the one of the file which contains the given expand directive.


<xpp:expand href="FILENAME"/>

The whole expand directive is replaced by the content of the file named FILENAME.

The attribute directive


The attribute directive allows to create an attribute with the content of a macro previously defined by a define directive as value. Unlike the other directives, which are all used as a tag, the attribute directive must be used as an attribute.

The body of the macro must expand to a value, as it will be used as an attribute value. It can contain other xpp directives, but once there are all handled, the result must be a value, with no tag.

NOTA : this feature is experimental, but seems so long reliable.


<xpp:define name="MACRO_NAME">VALUE</xpp:define>

Defines a macro named MACRO_NAME with content VALUE.

<UserTag xpp:attribute="ATTRIBUTE_NAME,MACRO_NAME"/>

Creates an attribute named ATTRIBUTE_NAME with the content of the macro named MACRO_NAME as value.

The set directive


The set directive allows to affect a value to a variable. The value of a variable can be tested with the ifeq directive.


<xpp:set name="VARIABLE" value="VALUE"/>

Sets the variables named NAME with the value VALUE.

The ifeq directive


The ifeq directive allows to test the value of a variables defined by the set directive, and, depending of the result of this test, to skip or not the content of the given ifeq directive.


<xpp:ifeq select="VARIABLE" value="VALUE">

The variable named VARIABLE is tested. If VARIABLE was set to VALUE by a set directive, then BODY is handled, otherwise BODY is skipped. Even if BODY is skipped, it must be a valid xml tree (i.e. must contain one and only one root tag ; use bloc directive if needed).

The cdata directive


The content of this directive is put into a CDATA section, i.e the content is put between the <![CDATA[]]> delimiters. But, unlike what happens with the usual CDATA section, an error is issued if this content is not a well-formed XML tree.



The bloc directive



The content of the define and ifeq directives, and also the content of a file included by the expand directive (with href attribute), must be a valid XML tree, i.e. it must contain one, and only one, root tag (with possibly child tags).

In the resulting file, opening and closing bloc directives do not appear.

Content with only a value

Case where a content is only a value (without enclosing tag) :

Content with more then one root tags

Case where the content is constituted by more then one root tags :


The preserve attribute

The preserve attribute can only take 2 values : yes or no.

By default, the entire XML tree is considered as surrounded by a bloc with a preserve attribute of value no.

This attribute is ignored when xppq is launched without the --preserve flag.

When the preprocessor encounters a bloc directive with a preserve attribute of value yes, then all the enclosed preprocessor directives are ignored, and the enclosed XML tree is outputted as is, with the preprocessor directives. Even an enclosed bloc directive, with or without a preserve attribute to no, and the enclosed XML tree, is outputted as is (i.e. doesn’t cancel a surrounding bloc directive with a preserve value of yes).

The marker attribute

A value of a marker attribute can only be empty, or containing one character.

When the preprocessor encounters a bloc directive with a non-empty marker attribute, variable name surrounded by the character defined in the marker attribute are replaced by the value of this variable in all the attribute values of all the enclosed tags, excluding attributes of preprocessor directives. The variable must exist. As an exception, this occurs also for the href and select attribute of the expand directive, and the value attribute of the set directive. A double instance of the character defined in the marker attribute is replaced by a single instance of this character.

To cancel such substitutions, enclose the concerned XML with a bloc directive with an empty marker attribute. By default, the root XML tree is considered enclosed by a bloc tag with an empty marker attribute, i.e., by default, no substitutions are made. A bloc directive with or without a marker attribute, empty or not, can contain other bloc directive with or without a marker attribute, empty or not…